In these tough economic times, it makes more sense to keep your current car rather than trade it in. So, if you notice that your car is starting to burn more oil, how do you reduce oil usage so that you're not constantly adding oil? Follow these steps below to make your car a more efficient machine!
Note how frequently you are currently needing to add motor oil to your car. Check your oil with the car ignition turned off and preferably when the car is cold or hasn't been running. If you check the oil dip stick when the motor is hot, the oil is in an expanded state and may give you a false reading. Wipe off the dip stick, dip it all the way down into the oil reservoir, pull it straight up and note the oil level.
Note how frequently you are currently needing to add motor oil to your car. Check your oil with the car ignition turned off and preferably when the car is cold or hasn't been running. If you check the oil dip stick when the motor is hot, the oil is in an expanded state and may give you a false reading. Wipe off the dip stick, dip it all the way down into the oil reservoir, pull it straight up and note the oil level.
You are probably currently using a motor oil weight of 10W-30, which is what most mechanics or repair shops will use in your car. This is a standard "one-size-fits-all" multi-weight oil. Multi-weight motor oils have additives that help them keep a closer consistency when hot or cold.
You are probably currently using a motor oil weight of 10W-30, which is what most mechanics or repair shops will use in your car. This is a standard "one-size-fits-all" multi-weight oil. Multi-weight motor oils have additives that help them keep a closer consistency when hot or cold.
Upgrade your motor oil weight to the next heavier grade. In the case of 10W-30, upgrade to 10W-40. This is a thicker motor oil and will have the immediate effect of lubricating your car's engine without burning oil so quickly!
Upgrade your motor oil weight to the next heavier grade. In the case of 10W-30, upgrade to 10W-40. This is a thicker motor oil and will have the immediate effect of lubricating your car's engine without burning oil so quickly!
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